Flower of Life Holographic Workshop
Saturday, Sunday August 24, 25
10-5 both days
Mika will be leading a new
Flower of Life Holographic Workshop
I reach out to you with Love and excitement in introducing my new workshop that has been in development for 25 years, ever since I first started working with this Flower of Life Holographic form. It is an automatic transmission to Travel, Heal, and Expand your consciousness beyond your limited 3-dimensional reality!
Flower of Life is based on the work of my dear friend and colleague Alton Kamadon who brought forth the concept of The Melchizedek Method in the mid-nineties and the innovative approach to working with the 369 mathematical equation to unlocking the secrets of the universe, brought to light by Nicola Tesla.
Click here for more information and to register. madmimi.com/p/4a48b91?pact=17165-181572627-8891260326-7aade83d75927380c1f3b2ae3f41b1e8ab713964#
10-5 both days
Mika will be leading a new
Flower of Life Holographic Workshop
I reach out to you with Love and excitement in introducing my new workshop that has been in development for 25 years, ever since I first started working with this Flower of Life Holographic form. It is an automatic transmission to Travel, Heal, and Expand your consciousness beyond your limited 3-dimensional reality!
Flower of Life is based on the work of my dear friend and colleague Alton Kamadon who brought forth the concept of The Melchizedek Method in the mid-nineties and the innovative approach to working with the 369 mathematical equation to unlocking the secrets of the universe, brought to light by Nicola Tesla.
Click here for more information and to register. madmimi.com/p/4a48b91?pact=17165-181572627-8891260326-7aade83d75927380c1f3b2ae3f41b1e8ab713964#